FIRST CHURCH OF GOD CALENDAR OF EVENTS WEEKLY PROGRAMS Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday ┌─────────────────┬──────┬───────┬───────────────────┬───────┬──────┬─────────┐│SS-9:30am │ │ │Family Night-7:00pm│ │ │ ││Worship-10:30am │ │ │ │ │ │ ││Unity-7:00pm │ │ │ │ │ │ │└─────────────────┴──────┴───────┴───────────────────┴───────┴──────┴─────────┘ MONTHLY PROGRAMS Council Meetings - 2nd Wednesday of Month - 8:15pm Board Meetings - ????? Youth Meetings - First Saturday of Month - time to be announced BBMA - 2nd Tuesday of Month - 8:30am Chaplaincy - 2nd Thursday of Month - 8:30am OTHER BY MONTH January - District Youth Meeting MBC MRI (Last Monday-following Thursday) February - State Ministers Meeting March - March/Apr - District Youth Rally BBMA Good Friday Service Easter Missions Offering Communion and Footwashing (Thursday before Easter) April - District Church Rally ? (21st in 1990) WCG Convention ? (19-21 in 1990) Nursing Home Services* (1st in 1990) Radio Devotions* (1-7 in 1990) May - June - Vacation Bible School (First Full Week) (4-8 in 1990) Anderson Campmeeting (begins 3rd Sunday) (17-22 in 1990) Pastor usually takes vacation in conjunction with AC (9-16 in 1990) World Service Day Offering (1st Sunday) State Youth Retreat (25-29 in 1990) July - State Kids/JrHi Camp (16-20 in 1990) Nursing Home Services* (1st in 1990) Radio Devotions* (2-7 in 1990) August - State Campmeeting (2nd Wednesday-Sunday; 8-12 in 1990 State Ministers Meeting (in Conjunction with SC; 6-8 in 1990) Annual Business Meeting (First Wednesday) Chaplaincy* (13-18 in 1990) September - District Youth Rally District Church Rally ? Chaplaincy* (24-29 in 1990) October - State Youth Convention (Last Weekend) November - Thanksgiving Potluck and Offering for State Work BBMA Thanksgiving Unity Service December - Christ's Birthday Offering Chaplaincy* (31-Jan5 in 1990-91) (*Nursing Home Services, Radio Devotions, and Chaplaincy according to schedule They usually occur about every three Months.)